About Us

Kim Lund the owner of Energy Healing Health is a Certified Spiritual Coach and uses the philosophy of constant and never-ending learning and improvement. She also has added her newest vision of healing using Frequency-based technologies. Together the focus is on the health of the mind, body and spirit or the energy body.

Our body is both a physical body and an energy body. The energy body vibrates at a certain frequency which directly impacts the physical body.

"We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. Your 'vibration' is a way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at various frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level.

From a scientific and metaphysical perspective, we can say that ‘beings’ are comprised of different energy levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each of these levels has its own unique vibrational frequency, which combines to create your overall vibration of being.

The lower the frequency, the denser your energy and the heavier your problems may be. Here, you may experience pain and discomfort in your physical body and experience heavy emotions and mental confusion. You need to exert a great deal of effort to accomplish your goals. Overall, your life tends to take on a negative quality.

The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you may feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body and emotions are easily dealt with. It is in this stage your energy is full of light! Your life flows with synchronicity, and you manifest what you desire with ease." -The Vibrational Frequencies of the Human Body By: Brian James Rose.

Energy Healing Health was created to help you keep your energy frequency high using several modalities such as Coaching and Frequency-based technologies.

To learn more, please visit our Services page by clicking on the button below.

"Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies"

-Albert Einstein

Call 865-369-8010 Kim Lund

Site: www.energyhealinghealth.com

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